Kaluwihan Penagih Debu Siklon


Kauntungan sakakolektor bledug siklonproduk
1. Struktur peralatan ukurane cilik, struktur sing sithik, jembar wilayah, regane murah, resistensi peralatan cilik, lan kapasitas penanganan udara sing gedhe;

2. Ora ana mekanisme puteran lan bagean sing obah, pangopènan lan manajemen sing trep, lan ora ana syarat teknis;

3. It can be used for the purification of high-temperature dust-containing gas. Generally, thekolektor bledug siklon made of carbon steel can be used for the purification of flue gas at 100°C. Cyclone dust collector with refractory material on the inner wall can be used for 500 ℃ flue gas treatment;

4. Nduwe macem-macem aplikasi. Lapisan tahan karat lan tahan korosi dipasang ing kolektor bledug, sing bisa digunakake kanggo nyuceni gas flue sing ngemot bledug sing mbebayani.

cyclone dust collector

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